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  • Writer's picturefriendsofmichaelha

Fairness in Criminal Justice

Fairness in Criminal Justice means balancing the rights of victims of crime and the rights of the accused. It, also, means if person "A" is slapped on the wrist for allegedly committing crime "B" then person "C" should not have the book thrown at him/her for committing exactly the same crime. Additionally, Fairness in Criminal Justice means not stigmatizing or negatively labelling someone for the rest of his/her life on account of his/her conviction. If that person has served his/her sentence or if mercy has been given (i.e. pardon or commutation granted) then the institutional elements of our society (which includes the educational institutions and revenue producing institutions and other institutions that make up our society) have a duty to re-enfranchise and reincorporate such a person as long as he/she constructively and positively demonstrates that his/her heart and mind has changed from the erroneous disposition and mentality that caused him/her to get caught up in the quagmire of criminality. Fulfilling that affirmative duty means putting in place social mechanisms and systems that allows that person to constructively enrich his/her quality of life and contribute value to the economy of our Commonwealth. Thus, the goal of our Criminal Justice system should not be to marginalize or stymie individuals but rather to redirect and reinvigorate individuals to participate positively and constructively in society.

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